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       Record Producer, Founder of Shaolin Records

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Projects of Richard Del Connor

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Publishing for MAC users.

I passed the epub test and was converted with no errors the first time with my first book.

How I did it.







Books Published of Shaolin Communications

Masonic Kung Fu albumOn February 6, 2012 I uploaded my first book into the Smashwords.com "Meat Grinder" to create my first ebooks for Kindle, Nook, and other formats. It was successful the first time on the first try.

I used a G3 Blueberry iMac to create the .rtf text document books to become ebooks.

Then, I used a G4 Laptop, and the OpenOffice.org application to create the .doc document to upload into the Smashwords.com "Meat Grinder" converter.


Read the "Smashwords Style Guide THREE TIMES"

Everything you need to know is in there. Take notes.

OpenOffice. org Application is Really Cool

If you are a Mac user, this is your solution. This program will create the "_____.doc" document that can be upoaded into the Smashwords.com "Meat Grinder." The Smashwords Style Guide gives some useful information about using OpenOffice.org, but there are a few more tricks they did not mention.

I was stressing to figure out a way to due the nuclear cleansing recommended in the Style Guide. Unfortunately, the Notepad application only exists on a PC computer. Ironically, the Montrose or Glendale libraries all lacked the program on any of their computers. I couldn't make that first step.

However, OpenOffice.org has a "remove paragraphy Styles" feature that quickly does the same thing.

A problem I haven't resolved, I'd appreciate YOUR HELP with: How do I eliminate the tabs using the "Find and Replace" as mentioned for using the PC Word program. The "^T" does not work, per the instructions. Thanks for your help.







Shaolin Stupa of The Songshan Shaolin Temple
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